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How to feed your German shepherd?

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. There is a reason why they have so many followers – they are very dedicated, intelligent and friendly dogs. To make sure that your junior grows into an obedient and clever dog – you need to put a little heart into his upbringing. Just as important as learning commands is the German Shepherd’s nutrition. Find out what the diet should look like and how to put together a menu to keep your dog healthy and happy!

How to feed your German Shepherd – basic rules
When feeding your German Shepherd, just like any other dog, there are a few basic rules to follow. The first of these is that the dog, whether it is fed dry or wet food, or whether you prepare its meals yourself – should always, but always, have access to fresh and clean water. When it comes to the amount of food the animal eats, the owner can and even should control this. It is an absolute necessity for any dog, regardless of how much your pet consumes. Sometimes, in the day-to-day running around, pet owners can miss the fact that the bowl is empty – so it is a good idea to check the condition and amount of water in the bowl several times a day and not allow this to happen

Another important rule in feeding all dogs, including German Shepherds, is to feed regularly, in the right amount and at the right time. What exactly does this mean? It all depends on what age your pet is. An adult dog is best fed once or twice a day. Quite small puppies (i.e. up to about 2 months of age) should be fed three times a day – morning, afternoon and evening. From 7-8 weeks of age, puppies can already be fed once every 12 hours, i.e. twice a day. Up to 8 weeks of age, the dog should be soaked in dry food with a little water to make it easier to swallow and digest. In addition to the frequency of feeding, the amount of food is also important. Each packet of dog food should state how much food should be given to a dog of a given weight. Adult German Shepherds weigh approximately 30-40 kg (male) and 22-32 kg (female). What amount of food your dog should be given is impossible to determine unequivocally. It all depends on whether your pet is fed dry food, wet food or whether you prepare complete meals for him yourself.

For example – in the dosage table for dry food with duck, a 30-40 kg dog (that is, for example, a German Shepherd) should eat between 390 and 485 g per day. The same table also indicates that a 20-30 kg dog (e.g. a female German Shepherd) should eat between 285 and 390 g per day. This portion can be given as a whole or divided into two portions. This depends on your dog’s lifestyle and your habits.

Feeding your German Shepherd Dog – ensure the food is fresh and of good quality
It is also very important that the food in your pet’s bowl is always fresh and appetising. If, for example, you pour too much food into your dog’s bowl at once and he is unable to eat it, it will simply become unattractive and damp for several or even several hours lying in the bowl. Usually, the water bowl sits next to the food bowl – so imagine that your dog, every time he drinks, pours a few drops of water and saliva into the food bowl, causing the food to become stale and spoil more quickly. To prevent this from happening – remember to only pour/put as much food into your dog’s bowl as he can eat. If you are finding it hard to determine this or your dog is not concentrating on eating, there is a method you can use. The idea is that you pour your dog’s food into the bowl and wait 5 minutes. After this time has elapsed, you can take the bowl away. This way, your pet will understand that it was time to eat and next time he will definitely focus more on the meal and not want to put it off. In addition, your dog will gain extra respect for you because he will know that you are his only provider and whether he gets food (which, apart from you, of course, is one of the greatest senses of your dog’s life!) depends solely on you.

German Shepherd food – how to choose the best one
These days, you can find a whole host of different dog foods in the shops, both dry and wet. Many owners also choose to prepare their dog’s food themselves, but as we all know, this is time-consuming and requires knowledge of all the nutritional requirements of their dog in order to ensure that it does not lack anything. A much more convenient solution, which still has a large number of supporters today, is to buy already prepared dog food, for example in dry and wet form. When you decide to feed your pet in this way, including your German Shepherd, it is advisable to go for a high-quality food, such as Superfood with kangaroo and beef. It is very important that the ready-made dog food contains all the nutritional values your pet needs, i.e. the correct amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins as well as micro and macro elements.

German Shepherds are dogs with a rather sensitive digestive system. If your pet is already several years old – it is worth opting for a specialised dog food. Such a food is mainly characterised by the fact that it has high-quality products that are easier to digest and are often enriched with additional vitamins and minerals that may be essential for your dog’s good health.

How to feed a German Shepherd – summary
Despite the fact that German Shepherds are descended from wolfdogs, a piece of raw meat is not enough to keep them happy. On the contrary, German Shepherds are dogs with sensitive stomachs and high dietary requirements – so it’s worth putting a little heart into their diet to give them the best. It’s worth betting on quality food to make sure your dog gets everything he needs. Because as we all know, a full dog is a happy dog!

Read More About The Best Food For German Shepherds

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